These projects use KanjiVG. If your project uses KanjiVG, and you
would like it to appear here, send a mail to our
mailing list.
Projects are listed in chronological order of addition to the
list, so the last sites in the list are the most recently added.
Some of the projects which we were notified about seem to have
disappeared or been discontinued, and so were removed. They are
commented out in the HTML file, so you can view them by viewing the
HTML source of this page. If we have removed them in error, please
contact us.
Tagaini Jisho Japanese dictionary and study assistant.
Online handwritten kanji recognition at sci.lang.japan FAQ
- dictionary, a great online Japanese/kanji dictionary.
Tangorin, a free online Japanese-English dictionary.
Romaji Desu, a free online Romaji/Japanese to English dictionary.
Tanoshii Japanese, a site dedicated to making the learning of the Japanese language a fun and enjoyable experience.
Kanshudo, an online Japanese and Kanji learning system.
-, an online interactive platform for learning Japanese.
Jishosen, an online English-Japanese dictionary.
Toolzar, a free site for Japanese learners. It has quizzes to practice your listening and reading skills and uses KanjiVG to help with the Heisig method.
Kanjisho All of your Japanese related informations available in English. Find informations on kanjis, words, English translations, kanji strokes and more for Japanese learners!
-, a free and fun way to learn more about Japanese culture and language
Kanjiten, a Japanese-Filipino (Tagalog) Kanji Dictionary
The Kanji Map is a
Japanese language learning tool that shows kanji information and
decomposition in graph
form. Source
code is also available.
Duolingo, "The free,
fun, and effective way to learn a language!", uses
KanjiVG. See Attribution.
The Jōyō Kanji Map ・ 地図で分かる常用漢字
TsukiGakkou, your gateway to mastering the Japanese language with ease and practicality.
Kantango Dictionary, a free online Japanese-English dictionary.
Phone software which uses the KanjiVG data
OBenkyo, an Android application to study hiragana, katakana and kanji.
Imiwa, a multilingual Japanese dictionary for iPhone and iPod touch devices.
Daily Kanji, a Windows 8/Windows Phone application that shows a different kanji every day in the live tile.
Japanese Kanji Study and Lookup, an Android app that attempts to be a simple yet powerful application for looking up and studying Japanese kanji.
Chinese character kanji Battle, a Japanese "kanji" practice Application Game
Kanji Book for iOS or Android, a game which helps learn the Joyo Kanji.
Other software
Software other than for mobile phones.
Tegaki, Open Source Chinese and Japanese handwriting recognition.
GeekJDict, a text-mode Japanese dictionary with powerful input and lookup capabilities.
Kanji Colorize, a collection of stroke order diagrams ready to be used with Anki and the script that produces them from KanjiVG data.
AniKanjiVG provides animated kanjis in SVG format generated from the KanjiVG data.
Kanimaji, a tool to generate animated SVG and GIF files from KanjiVG data.
Easy animation for KanjiVG SVG files. (This is the animation
software used on this website.)
This go module lets you interact with the KanjiVG dataset in Go.
kanji.gif - Animated gif kanjis and kanas collection, based on KanjiVG.
KVG is a
library in Go which allows reading, parsing, and writing of the
KanjiVG file format, as well as bulk editing of the files.
kanjistat offers tools for processing and analyzing Japanese kanji characters.
Things which don't fit in any of the above categories.
漢字の筆順のフォント (Kanji stroke order font) makes KanjiVG into a TrueType font.
ChocoKanji A KanjiVG-based SVG Hershey font for use with pen plotters.